Touted as the final installment of a cult-classic series between Los Angeles Living Legend, Murs and GRAMMY Nominated super producer, 9th Wonder, The Iliad is Dead and the Odyssey is Over also pulls in 9th Wonder's production team, The Soul Council.
Touted as the final installment of a cult-classic series between Los Angeles Living Legend, Murs and GRAMMY Nominated super producer, 9th Wonder, The Iliad is Dead and the Odyssey is Over also pulls in 9th Wonder's production team, The Soul Council.
- RELEASE DATE: 9/6/2019
- 1 The Hulk
- 2 Cancun '08 (Feat. Pookie Blow & $Ilkmoney
- 3 My Hero
- 4 Ga$ Station Gucci Belt
- 5 Unicorn Glitter
- 6 High Noon (Feat. Rapsody & Reuben Vincent)
- 7 Night Shift
- 8 Give Me a Reason
- 9 Super Cojo Bros (Feat. GQ & Cojo)
- 10 F*CK Them
- 11 Tony Robbins Poicket Book
- 12 Sin